Shocking Revelation In Navy SEAL War Crimes Trial: Another SEAL Says He Is The Real Killer

Daily Mail: Medic shocks court by testifying that HE is the one who killed young ISIS fighter and not the Navy SEAL on trial for murder as he says he did it to save the boy from tortured by Iraqi forces

* Corey Scott testified that he is the one who killed the young ISIS militant that Edward Gallagher is accused of murdering
* Gallagher is on trial in San Diego for a host of alleged war crimes
* Among them is murdering the young militant who his comrades say he stabbed
* He claims he opened his throat with a knife so he could breathe
* The young fighter had a collapsed lung and he says he was trying to save him
* Gallagher put breathing tube in his mouth but Scott said he put his thumb over it to kill him
* He said he feared the teenager would be tortured to death by Iraqi forces if not
* Scott had been called as a witness for the prosecution but stunned the court by saying he put his hands over the opening Gallagher created in the boy's neck

A medic has shockingly testified in the war crimes trial of a Navy SEAL that he killed a young ISIS fighter and not the man accused, saying he decided to end the young militant's life to save him from being tortured by enemy forces.

Corey Scott was called as a prosecution witness on Thursday in the case against Edward Gallagher.

Gallagher has been charged with murdering the young ISIS militant by stabbing him multiple times in the neck and side but he denies it and claim she is being set up.

Two other SEALs have already testified against him, claiming he premeditated the murder and also shot at Iraqi civilians in Mosul in 2017.

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WNU Editor: Other witnesses are saying that they saw Edward Gallagher murder the ISIS prisoner. But this new testimony now puts doubts in the prosecution's case.

More News On The War Crimes Trial Of US Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher

Witness at Navy SEAL trial: I killed victim out of mercy -- AP
Navy Seal murder trial witness claims he killed prisoner -- France 24
Medic testifies that he, not Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, was responsible for ISIS fighter's death -- FOX News
Another SEAL testifies that he was the one who killed ISIS fighter -- CNN
Shocking Revelation In Navy SEAL War Crimes Trial: Witness Says He Is The Real Killer -- NPR
Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher is on trial for allegedly murdering a prisoner of war. Another SEAL just confessed to the killing in bombshell testimony -- Business Insider

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