Bill Taylor (L) and George Kent (R) are sworn in to testify. Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via REUTERS
WNU Editor: This is it? I see policy differences, but where is the overwhelming impeachable evidence that was promised by the media and the Democrats for the past few days? I have been watching these hearings on my cell phone (I am on a train right now), and it is clear that there is no eye-witness first hand knowledge of any of these key-events from these witnesses. All I see are officials talking about their opinions, and doing it in a very arrogant and condescending manner. And after two hours all that I can say is that are these the star witnesses?!?!?!? All that this TV event has exposed so far is how a certain part of the deep state operates, that they are miffed at President Trump for being excluded from his inner circle, and definitely biter that someone like Rudy Giuliani has the President's ear. My prediction. The media is going to edit and package these hearings to talk about one block-buster revelation after another, and how super impressive these witnesses are. But these witnesses (who witnessed nothing) are not impressive. They were boring, gave nothing new, and more to the point, nothing impeachable. Here is an easy prediction. If the next few days are like this, no one is going to be watching these hearings by the end of the week, and these impeachment inquiry hearings will be ended very quickly.
Update: I can now understand why President Trump froze-out people like Mr. Kent and Ambassador Taylor from his circle. Their beliefs are completely contrary to what he wants to accomplish and focus on, and why he was elected in the first place.
Update #2: Regular blogging will return within an hour.
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