Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

Daily Mail: Trump tells America lock down now with '15 days to stop the spread,' saying old must stay home, gatherings over 10 people end and schools, offices, bars and restaurants should close but Tony Fauci has to correct that it is NOT till August

* President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread
* The two-page list is called '15 Days to Slow the Spread'
* They advise avoid eating in restaurants and bars
* Calls on schools in affected areas to be closed
* Suggests no gatherings over 10 people
* Trump predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.

'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room.

He predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer.

'People are talking about July, August, something like that,' Trump said. 'They could be right in that period of time where it washes through.'

But Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped in to clarify the guidelines were not in affect that long.

'The guidelines are over a 15 day-trial guideline,' Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said and added that they will be reconsidered after the initial run. 'The president was saying that the trajectory of the outbreak may go until then, make sure you don't think that it's solid in stone until July' for the guidelines.

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Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

READ: White House announces new guidelines to prevent coronavirus spread -- CNN
Coronavirus map of the US: latest cases state by state -- The Guardian
Trump admits coronavirus 'not under control', as new guidelines unveiled for Americans -- France 24
Trump says coronavirus crisis could stretch into August, may look at lockdown for ‘certain areas’ -- CNBC
Trump: Americans could be hunkered down until at least July or August because of coronavirus -- US News and World Report
Coronavirus: Trump says coronavirus crisis may last all summer -- BBC
Trump said the US 'may be' headed toward a recession as a result of the economic damage from the coronavirus -- Business Insider
Trump urges no gatherings of 10+ people, says peak of coronavirus could carry into ‘July or August -- RT
US tells older people to stay home, all ages to avoid crowds -- AP
San Francisco Bay Area counties issue shelter-in-place order -- AP
Fear and loathing bloom as American tempers fray in coronavirus crisis -- Reuters
Coronavirus could kill ELEVEN TIMES more Americans than cancer in 2020, new figures reveal -- Daily Mail
US says 'foreign' cyberattack aimed at sowing coronavirus fears -- Al Jazeera

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