Editor's Note On The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic And How I Will Be Blogging From Now On

I make it as a rule to put up exactly 27 posts a day. The exception are weekends because that is when I spend quality time with my family and friends. But during the week I take the time to aggregate news stories on a particular topic, and post them together so that the readers of this blog can read what news services/websites around the world are reporting on a particular story. But because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the flood of news that is now coming in by the minute/hour, I find that what I have taken the time to gather together is obsolete when I post it. So what this blog is going to do from now on is to post news stories as they come in and comment if it deserves one. My popular Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will now only be posted at 16:00 EST and 17:00 EST. I will also post an aggregate summary of news reports on the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic per region from 18:00 EST on.

Some readers have asked me on what am I going to do personally as this crisis escalates. For the moment I am in Montreal. But I will be moving to my chalet this Saturday where I can hunker down  until this blows-over. I am very isolated, and I have more than enough supplies to last me two to three months. I am also connected to the world wide web from there, so blogging will not be a problem.

Update: Once in a while a Russian news or radio outlet asks me for my commentary/analysis on U.S./Canadian news. I just finished my third interview this morning. For my American and Canadian readers, there is a lot of worldwide interest on what is happening here.

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