Should We Trust The Main Stream Media's Coverage Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic?

Zero Hedge: Half Of Americans Don't Trust Mainstream Media's COVID-19 Coverage

Americans are split on whether to trust news media with information regarding the coronavirus outbreak, according to a new poll.

As Statista's Willem Roper notes, a joint poll conducted by NPR, PBS NewsHour and Marist, shows that 47 percent of U.S. adults responded by saying “not very much” or “not at all” when asked how much they trusted news media with coronavirus information.

This poll also included questions asking how much Americans trusted President Donald Trump, with 60 percent saying they didn’t trust him with coronavirus information, and on public health experts, with 13 percent saying they had little to no trust.

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WNU Editor: Regular readers of this blog know that I do not trust the media. It is not what they report that irks me, it is what they decide not to report that bothers me. For example, Friday night's CTV evening news broadcast (CTV is one of Canada's major news network) had a very critical story on President Trump's confrontation with an NBC reporter. There was no context behind the confrontation, the video itself was edited to feed the narrative that President Trump was attacking the reporter for no reason, and to make it worse it was followed by the CTV news reporter editorializing how unfit the President was. But what really killed me was the news story that then followed the one on President Trump. It was an over-the-top glowing news  report on China and the government's apology to the Wuhan doctor who first made public the danger of the outbreak that was occurring in his hospital, and who eventually died from the disease. No reporting from CTV on how he was threatened by the authorities, no reporting on how China's deliberate policy of denial and obfuscation of even remedial measures to control this outbreak has resulted in the pandemic that we are all experiencing today. Nothing but praise for the government of China.

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