Turkey Says Will Begin Oil Exploration Off The Coast Of Libya Despite Greece, Egypt, Cyprus Outrage

Turkey's drilling ship Fatih is anchored off the Tasucu Port in Silifke district of Mersin, Turkey on 1 February 2020. [Mustafa Ünal Uysal - Anadolu Agency]

OilPrice.com: Turkey’s Dangerous Energy Play Is Putting The Entire Region At Risk

In the world of energy geopolitics and economics are closely linked to each other. The exploitation of oil and gas reserves is a major source of income for energy-rich countries and therefore tension and competition. In some cases, it’s difficult to distinguish whether political or economic goals are being pursued. The Eastern Mediterranean has become a theatre for power politics which has its origin in energy exploration and production activities.

Before the current global health crisis erupted, the discovery of major gas fields was exciting news in several capitals across the region. Egypt has already started production at its Zohr field while Israel's Leviathan provides much-needed gas to a country that's been lacking significant energy resources for most of its history. Turkey, however, enviously watched discovery after discovery in the backyard of its political adversaries.

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WNU Editor: Egypt is responding .... Egypt announces international anti-Turkey alliance (Al-Monitor).

More News On Turkey Saying Will Begin Oil Exploration Off The Coast Of Libya

Turkey says may begin oil exploration under Libya deal in 3-4 months -- Middle East Monitor
Turkey says may begin oil exploration under Libya deal in three-four months -- Reuters
Turkey Begins East Mediterranean Oil Exploration Despite Greece, Egypt, Cyprus Outrage -- Zero Hedge
Turkey’s two-pronged gambit in Libya -- Yasar Yakis, Arab News

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