Washington Post: Russian Bounties To Taliban-Linked Militants Resulted In Deaths Of U.S. Troops

Washington Post: Russian bounties to Taliban-linked militants resulted in deaths of U.S. troops, according to intelligence assessments

Russian bounties offered to Taliban-linked militants to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan are believed to have resulted in the deaths of several U.S. service members, according to intelligence gleaned from U.S. military interrogations of captured militants in recent months.

Several people familiar with the matter said it was unclear exactly how many Americans or coalition troops from other countries may have been killed or targeted under the program. U.S. forces in Afghanistan suffered a total of 10 deaths from hostile gunfire or improvised bombs in 2018, and 16 in 2019. Two have been killed this year. In each of those years, several service members were also killed by what are known as “green on blue” hostile incidents by members of Afghan security forces, which are sometimes believed to have been infiltrated by the Taliban.

The intelligence was passed up from the U.S. Special Operations forces based in Afghanistan and led to a restricted high-level White House meeting in late March, the people said.

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WNU Editor: At the end of the Washington Post article there is an admission that the intelligence and data that they have received is still being evaluated. But what is more telling is that at the end of their article they quote former Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grennell, who would know if this story is true, calling the entire story bogus and a textbook example on how intelligence is politicized. So who is right .... the New York Times and Washington Post with their history of being wrong on almost every matter concerning US intelligence in the past few years (i.e. Russian collusion), or former Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grennell who has done more in the past few years to reveal how corrupt and politicized the intelligence community has been since President Trump's election. My money is on Rick Grennell.

Washington Post: Russian Bounties To Taliban-Linked Militants Resulted In Deaths Of U.S. Troops

Intelligence suggests Russian bounties led to deaths of several US troops in Afghanistan: report -- The Hill
Spies and Commandos Warned Months Ago of Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops -- New York Times
Washington Post: Russian bounties to Taliban fighters believed to result in deaths of US troops, intelligence assessments show -- CNN

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