Authored by "Ehsani" - a Middle East expert, Syrian-American banker and financial analyst who visits the region frequently and writes for the influential geopolitical analysis blog, Syria Comment.
A friend recently asked: "Surely, the American Army is not staying in Syria forever and sooner or later they will leave, no?" To his surprise, my answer was: "No, I don’t think they would leave. Why would they? It costs very little and they incur hardly any casualties."
Moreover of all past military interventions in the region, the US presence in Syria is unique in a number of ways. It is relatively small in scope, yet it does achieve a seemingly broad set of objectives both geopolitically and even domestically.
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WNU Editor: The author gives the following reasons (an analysis that I agree with) on why the U.S. will stay in Syria for the foreseeable future:
1) It costs little in lives or money
2) For a change, local terrain is friendly, i.e. the Kurds
3) It controls the oil & reinforces sanctions
4) It shows you are tough on Iran
5) It satisfies Israel and other allies
6) It leaves you at the negotiation table
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