Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters, commander of the U.S. European Command. DoD
Stars and Stripes: EUCOM boss confident Ukraine could blunt a new Russian offensive
STUTTGART, Germany — The top U.S. commander in Europe on Tuesday said he is confident Ukraine could repel a new Russian invasion “over time” even though Moscow has massed a large force around the country.
The Russian force “mirrors the size and scope and scale of the infiltration of forces that occurred back in 2014,” when Moscow annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, U.S. European Command’s Gen. Tod Wolters said during a Senate budget hearing.
Wolters said while his command remains “very, very vigilant,” Russia’s rapid buildup in recent weeks is a great concern.
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Update: EUCOM chief thinks Ukraine could hold Russia off; NATO worried about buildup (UPI)
WNU Editor: This US General really does not know and/or understand east Ukraine.
That part of the country has a huge Russian speaking population, and they are not sympathetic to the central Ukrainian government, the U.S., or NATO. I should know. My family background on my father's side is Russian-Ukrainian.
This US general also does not understand the make-up of the Ukraine military. Many are Russian-Ukrainians and almost all of them are conscripts. They are not going to fight against their neighbors.
In the event that a major war does break out between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian military will focus on seizing the territory where Russian speaking Ukrainians live (see map below). The rest they will leave alone.
Knowing the territory, culture, and the demographics in this Russian speaking part of Ukraine, I know that most would support such a Russian invasion. As for the rest of the country, a Russian military advance and occupation would not be treated in a friendly matter. This territory will be very hostile to any Russian occupation. I think the Kremlin is well aware of that.
Bottom line.
The Ukraine military will not be able to repel a Russian invasion in the territories dominated by Russian speaking Ukrainians. I can easily see them disintegrating within a few weeks (if not sooner), with most fleeing to the western part of the country.
But a Russia - Ukraine war is not my biggest fear. My biggest fear is if this happens ..... General Says NATO Prepared to Respond to Aggression Should Deterrence Fail (US Department of Defense). If NATO deploys military forces to assist the Ukrainian military, such an intervention will end in a nuclear war.
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