The leader of the free world's brain just completely broke when he was asked if Putin is a "killer"
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 14, 2021
Zero Hedge: An Apparently Confused Biden Goes Silent After Fielding Question About Putin
More clips have surfaced which highlight Biden's apparent difficulty in handling unscripted back-and-forth discussion during his ongoing foreign policy focused Europe trip.
As early as the weekend at the G-7 the Associated Press had noticed a "handful of verbal stumbles" the US president made.
As we also highlighted there would be more to come.
And then at his big Monday night NATO summit presser, there was the following bizarre moment...
Vladimir Putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a 'killer,'" a CNN reporter asked. "Is that still your belief, sir, that he is a killer?" The reporter followed with a second question, also asking, "Do you believe if he does agree to cooperate, then what kind of a challenge do you find yourself in? How would you ever trust him? And if Ronald Reagan said, 'trust, but verify,' what do you say to Vladimir Putin?"
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WNU Editor: There will be a lot of people in the room. They will give cover for President Biden when he goes off track.
On the Russian side they know that President Biden has his moments. So they will focus most of their attention to President Biden's advisers and the US Secretary of State Blinken.
From what I am picking-up on Russian media. They are expecting a very surreal and weird meeting between the two leaders tomorrow. I think that is an understatement. But I would give anything to be a fly in that room.
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