Villa de la Grange Is The Palce Where The Biden - Putin 5 Hour Summit Will Take Place


Daily Mail: The 18th century Swiss villa where Biden and Putin will hold talks for 5 HOURS tomorrow: Inside the lakefront property where the US president will push his 'worthy adversary' on cyber attacks, Ukraine, election meddling and Alexei Navalny 

* The two leaders will meet at Villa de la Grange 

* Constructed between 1768 and 1773, it features a library, a rose garden 

* Library once contained 12,000 volumes with books in Turkish, Persian, Chinese, Hungarian 

* Reagan and Gorbachev also met in a lakeside villa in Geneva in 1985 

* That villa is on the market 

When President Joe Biden meets Vladimir Putin for a 'straightforward' conversation with his 'worthy adversary,' the two men will sit down for their summit meeting inside an ornate 18th century villa on the bank of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. 

The two men are set to meet in Geneva at the Villa de la Grange, a building with a long history that is located near the luxury hotel where Biden is staying. 

With its stocked Empire bookcases, trompe d'oeil ceiling details, and colorful rose garden, the building and grounds offers bountiful opportunities for photo-ops and small talk.  

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WNU Editor: Lake Geneva is a beautiful place to visit. Heaven if you can afford to live there. It is an ideal neutral meeting place for world leaders.

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