TEHRAN — After 20 years U.S. troops are leaving Afghanistan without even achieving any success. This marks a historic defeat for the U.S. and its coalition.
Tehran Times: Afghanistan is burning while Biden thinks of Fourth of July
Americans entered Afghanistan to implement a three-stage plan. To overthrow the Taliban, rebuild the central institutions, shift to the classical doctrine of counterinsurgency. After two decades none of the goals were realized.
Obama decided in 2009 to temporarily increase the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan. More forces were deployed to implement a strategy to protect the population from attacks by the Taliban and to support insurgents' efforts to reintegrate into Afghan society. The strategy was also accompanied by a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. Starting in 2011, security responsibilities were to be gradually transferred to the Afghan army and police. The new method largely failed to achieve its goals. Insurgent attacks and civilian casualties remained high, and Afghan military and police forces that performed security functions seem to be unprepared to contain the Taliban. By the time the U.S.-NATO combat mission officially ended in December 2014, 13 years had passed since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
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WNU Editor: If Afghanistan disintegrates into chaos and civil war, it is going to be more than just a "degree of humiliation" for the U.S. .... US withdrawal from strategic Afghan base involves ‘degree of humiliation’ (France 24). It will be seen as a massive strategic defeat for the U.S. and its allies with deep geopolitical implications. And there is a precedent for it.
The fall of South Vietnam in 1975 was seen by many as a massive defeat for the U.S., a defeat that embolden America's enemies that brought years of international instability, conflict, and a costly arms race.
I can see the same happening if Afghanistan falls to the Taliban.
Americas enemies are going to be embolden, and they will move to take advantage of what they will see is a vacuum created by the White House.
China is my primarily worry. and they are already making big plans .... China Has a BIG Plan for Post-U.S. Afghanistan—and It's Worth Billions (Daily Beast).
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