One Day Soon Your Favorite Website Will Not Be There

(Twitter screenshot) 

PJ Media: One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished 

Joe Biden’s White House is saying the quiet part out loud now. 

Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted last week that, in an effort to crack down on COVID-19 “misinformation,” the Biden administration has been sending Facebook lists of topics they want to be censored. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: My wake-up call on big-tech censorship happened exactly one year ago .... It Appears That Google Has A Black List Of Conservative Sites (War News Updates Is On The List) (July 22, 2021). 

Since then, a lot has changed. 

For 14 years traffic on WNU was increasing by about 50% a year. But after last year, traffic growth stabilized at around five to ten percent. 

For 14 years I would type "war news" in the Google search box, and this blog would be the first search result. Today .... it is not even there. 

I had plans last year to do a Youtube channel .... putting on video what I put on this blog. Upon reflection I am glad that I did not proceed with that project. Under the current environment that YouTube channel would have been quickly restricted/demonetize and probably closed. 

But as bad as big tech has been when it comes to censorship. The US government now wants to get involved.

Case in point. In the past week the Biden administration has openly stated what their intentions are when it comes to social media. 

This should send a shudder in every American. But it has not. In fact .... many are applauding this. 

But as bad as it is in the U.S., I live in Canada and it is worse here. 

The Canadian government now wants to pass laws to criminalize certain types of speech on social media with heavy fines and jail-time .... The Mounties always get their Blog (Small Dead Animals). 

This has sent a shudder among many Canadian social media sites that are focused on politics, and justifiably so. 

The Canadian government's intentions are very clear. They want to weaponize the law to go after sites like this one. And once it is passed, I can see the hounds being released very quickly. 

So what is next? 

Specifically. What is the future of this blog? 

I honestly do not know. 

I have been blogging for 20 years. Fourteen on this blog. 

116,000 posts. 

63 million page views. 

And after all of these years I still enjoy reading and posting stuff .... as well as adding an opinion or two. 

The feedback from readers is what gives me the most pleasure, and the friendships that have been formed because of this blog is a gift that I had never thought I would get. 

So faced with uncertainty I am now forced to take everything day-by-day.

And hope that I can continue as long as it is possible.

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