Former Saudi Spymaster Says Crown Prince Salman Is A Psycopath Who Once Boasted That He Could Kill The Sitting King Using A Poison Ring He Obtained From Russia

Saad Aljabri

CBS 60 Minutes: Former Saudi official calls Mohammed bin Salman a "psychopath," says Saudi crown prince fears what he knows  

Saad Aljabri was number two in Saudi intelligence until, he says, Mohammed bin Salman forced him out. Now, MBS is Saudi Arabia's crown prince, and Aljabri is in exile. Aljabri believes the crown prince wants him dead because of what he knows. 

Much of the world was horrified when Saudi Arabia sent a hit squad to Turkey to murder Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Tonight, the man you are about to meet says a second Saudi assassination team was sent to kill him in Canada.

Saad Aljabri was number two in Saudi intelligence and he was among the best friends America had against terrorism. Now Saad is asking America's help. 

Truth is hard to triangulate among spies, despots and the Middle East. You're going to hear that Saad Aljabri may not be spotless. But as a spymaster, Saad says he has one more favor for America—a warning about a prince with the power to trouble the world. 

Saad Aljabri: I am here to sound the alarm about a psychopath, killer, in the Middle East with infinite resources, who poses threat to his people, to the Americans and to the planet. 

Saad Aljabri is talking about Mohammed bin Salman who seized power behind the back of Mohammed bin Nayef, then-heir to the throne. But in 2017, Nayef was arrested by Prince Mohammed bin Salman.  

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More News On Former Saudi Spymaster's Claims On Crown Prince Salman  

Saudi crown prince a ‘psychopath’, says exiled intelligence officer -- The Guardian 

Ex-Saudi official claims crown prince said he could get "poison ring from Russia" to kill king -- Axios  

Ex-Saudi intelligence official describes Crown Prince as a 'psychopath' who boasted he could kill the sitting monarch in 2014 -- CNN  

Mohammed bin Salman: Exiled officer says Saudi crown prince is a 'psychopath' -- BBC  

Ex-Saudi intelligence official claims Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman sent a hit squad to Canada to assassinate him days after murder of Jamal Khashoggi -- Daily Mail

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