Author: Shuo Wang{2}, Björn Albrecht{1}, Christine Harendt{1}, Jan Dirk Schulze Spüntrup{1}, Joachim Burghartz{1}
Affiliation: {1}Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart, Germany; {2}Institut für Nano- und Mikroelektronische Systeme, Germany
Abstract: Hybrid Systems in Foil (HySiF) is an integration concept for high-performance and large-area flexible electronics. The technology allows for integrating ultra-thin chips and widely distributed electronic components, such as sensors, microcontrollers or antennas, in thin flexible polymer film, using CMOS-compatible equipment and processing. This paper focuses on the embedding and characterization of a bendable ultra-thin image sensor in flexible polymer foil.
Bio-Inspired Electronic Eye and Bio-Integrated Drug Delivery Device
Author: Daehyeong Kim
Affiliation: Seoul National University, Korea
Abstract: Despite recent progresses, significant challenges still exist in developing a miniaturized and lightweight type of artificial vision that features wide field-of-view (FoV), high contrast, and low noise. Meanwhile, the wireless integration of wearable devices with implantable devices can present a new opportunity in the development of unconventional biomedical electronic devices. In this talk, recent progresses in the bio-inspired electronic eye and the wirelessly-integrated bioelectronics will be presented. In the first part, a fish-eye-inspired camera integrating a monocentric lens and a hemispherical silicon-nanorod photodetector array will be presented. In the second part, a bioelectronics device that consists of a soft implantable drug delivery device integrated wirelessly with a wearable electrophysiology sensing device will be presented. These novel types of device are expected to provide new opportunities for the next generation bio-inspired electronics and bio-integrated electronics.
Image Sensors at IEDM 2016IEDM 2016 publishes its agenda with many image sensor papers:
8.1 Backside Illuminated SPAD Image Sensor with 7.83μm Pitch in 3D-Stacked CM…Read More...
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