US Intelligence Says Chinese Shipbuilding Capacity Is Now 232 Times Greater Than The US

USN Warzone/The Drive: Alarming Navy Intel Slide Warns Of China’s 200 Times Greater Shipbuilding Capacity  

The Office of Naval Intelligence is sounding the alarm about the huge gap in U.S. and Chinese shipbuilding capacity and its implications.  

A U.S. Navy briefing slide is calling new attention to the worrisome disparity between Chinese and U.S. capacity to build new naval vessels and total naval force sizes. The data compiled by the Office of Naval Intelligence says that a growing gap in fleet sizes is being helped by China's shipbuilders being more than 200 times more capable of producing surface warships and submarines. This underscores longstanding concerns about the U.S. Navy's ability to challenge Chinese fleets, as well as sustain its forces afloat, in any future high-end conflict. 

In a statement to The War Zone, the U.S. Navy has confirmed the authenticity of the slide, seen in full below, which has been circulating online.  

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WNU Editor: China is also surpassing the US military in other areas .... China is edging out the US military’s advantage on tech (The Hill) 

US Intelligence Says Chinese Shipbuilding Capacity Is Now 232 Times Greater Than The US 

China has the capacity to build PLA combat ships at 200 times the rate that the US can, per leaked US Navy intelligence -- Insider 

Chinese shipbuilding capacity over 200 times greater than US, Navy intelligence says -- FOX News  

232 Times Greater Than US Navy, China’s Shipbuilding Prowess Eclipses The Might Of US – New Report -- EurAsian Times

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