Colin Flaherty, American Thinker: Media Ignore the Tsunami of Black Violence against Cops
The shootings in Dallas did not make much of a difference. Not to the reporters explaining the protest and the reason behind the assassination of five police officers.
The reason for the demonstration was simple and beyond pushback:
White cops shoot black people all over the country, all the time, for no reason whatsoever.
Everybody knows that. So sad.
Some took it to the next level: The head of a black group called Dallas Action said the killings were a wake up call to let people know how cops are picking on black people.
All the time.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 11, 2016
Believe it or not, 1968 was worse -- Maurice Isserman, Reuters
Islamic State Is Losing Ground, But Is It Even More Dangerous Than Ever? -- James Miller, RFE
Don’t be fooled by recent terror attacks: Islamic State is losing -- Indira A.R. Lakshmanan, Boston Globe
A four-point strategy for defeating the Islamic State -- Michèle Flournoy and Ilan Goldenberg, Washington Post
Iran’s Kurds Now Growing Restless -- American Interest
Why is Kashmir so angry? -- Ishfaq Ahmad Shah, Quartz
US must challenge Pakistan's duplicity on Afghanistan -- Aimal Faizi, Al Jazeera
What Abe's stunning win means for Japan's pacifist Constitution -- Gavin Blair, CSM
South Sudan is on the verge of another civil war -- Lily Kuo, Quartz
Brexit stirs NATO and EU to rethink their militaries -- Simone McCarthy, CSM
What Russia thinks of Brexit – and how it could gain from a fractured Europe -- Shaun Walker, The Guardian
How do you solve a problem like Russia? NATO-Russia relations after Ukraine -- Council on Foreign Relations
May, Merkel, Clinton – the year of female leaders? -- Peter Apps, Reuters
Canadian-Ukrainian relations: As thick as blood? -- Tom Burridge, BBC
Labour’s Pains and the Future of British Politics -- James Kirchick, VOA
'Unarmed, we are nothing': Farc guerrillas wary of future without guns -- Sibylla Brodzinsky, The Guardian
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