Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 4, 2016

People inspect the site of a suicide car bomb in the Karrada shopping area in Baghdad. Khalid Al-Mousily/Reuters

Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post: The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about

First, they came for Istanbul. On Tuesday night, three suspected Islamic State militants launched a brazen assault on Turkey's main airport, exploding their suicide vests after gunning down numerous passengers and airport staff. At least 45 people were killed. The world panicked; Istanbul Ataturk Airport is one of the busiest hubs in Europe and the Middle East, and it is among the most fortified. Are our airports safe, wondered American TV anchors. Could this happen here on the Fourth of July?

Next, they came for Dhaka. Gunmen whom many have linked to the Islamic State raided a popular cafe in an upscale neighborhood in Bangladesh's teeming capital. After a 10-hour standoff, authorities stormed the establishment; at least 20 hostages, mostly Italian and Japanese nationals, died at the militants' hands. U.S. college students also were among the dead. The Islamic State's reach is growing far from the Middle East, security experts fretted. Foreigners are at risk all over the Muslim world.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 4, 2016

The weird kabuki of Democrats and Republicans lying about the Middle East -- Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week

Raqqa Will Not Fall Until Arab Tribes Fight the Islamic State -- Fabrice Balanche, Washington Institute

Isis will continue to kill in Iraq while there’s a corrupt political class -- Ranj Alaaldin, The Guardian

Why Iranian Kurdish party is stepping up fight against Tehran -- Mohammed A. Salih, Al-Monitor

Istanbul Airport Bombing Shows Turkey Has Become A Battlefield For Middle East’s Wars -- Buzz Feed

Why so-called Islamic State chooses to bomb during Ramadan -- Shiraz Maher, BBC

Podcast: Why do people blow themselves up? Not for the reasons you think. -- Jason Fields, Reuters

How Douglas MacArthur would have responded to ISIS terror attacks -- Arthur Herman, FOX News

The Highways To Orlando -- Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institute

Japan says it challenged Chinese jets about 200 times in last three months in disputed sea -- Harry Kazianis, Asia Times

The Crimea Complex: A Crisis of Identity Where East Meets West -- Erich Follath, Spiegel Online

Brexit Is a Lehman Moment for European Banks -- Mark Gilbert, Bloomberg

Yugoslavia 1991: How Can a War Start If Nobody Wants It? -- Carolyn Braun, Marcus Pfeil and Danijel Visevic, Spiegel Online

Why the World Is Rebelling Against ‘Experts’ -- Joel Kotkin, Daily Beast

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