Commentaries And Analysis On The FBI Recommending No Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton On Her Use Of A Private Email Server

Betsy Woodruff and Alexa Corse, Daily Beast: FBI Director James Comey Just Crushed Hillary Clinton’s Email Excuses

Hillary Clinton has had several explanations as to why and how she used a private email address and server when she was Secretary of State. But in his press conference on Tuesday, FBI director James Comey seemed to refute them all.

Over the course of about 14 minutes, FBI director James Comey verbally gutted Hillary Clinton’s favorite defenses of her private email server. It’s now clear that a host of arguments she’s made to defend herself are not based in fact.

And though Comey said he will not recommend that the Department of Justice prosecute her, he made clear that she and her surrogates spent the past year making arguments that simply weren’t true.
Comey opened a no-questions press conference announcing his recommendation by ripping into Clinton’s first line of defense: that she never knowingly sent nor received classified information.

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Commentaries And Analysis On The FBI Recommending No Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton On Her Use Of A Private Email Server

What We Know About Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server -- New York Times
Sorry, Republicans. Clinton's E-Mails Won't Take Her Down. -- Megan McArdle, Bloomberg
Even without charges, FBI rebuke leaves a heavy political cloud over Clinton -- Philip Rucker, Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan, Washington post
FBI investigation undermines Clinton email defense -- Lauren Carroll, Politifact
FBI Says Hillary Clinton Claim on Reading Emails Was False -- Michael Scherer, Time
FBI Hints That Hillary Clinton’s Private Server Got Hacked -- Shane Harris, Daily Beast
FBI decision doesn't mean smooth sailing for Clinton campaign -- Susan Page, USA TODAY
Hillary Clinton: No email indictment, but not off the hook -- Peter Grier, CSM
Clinton Can Thank Obama for Neutral FBI -- Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg
Hillary Clinton Needs a Dr. No -- Albert R. Hunt, Bloomberg
Can Clinton Still Face Charges After FBI Finding? -- Margaret Chadbourn and Geneva Sands, ABC News
The damning things the FBI said about Clinton's email -- Paul Singer, USA TODAY
Hillary Clinton Is Above The Law -- David Harsanyi, The Federalist
Laws Are for Little People -- James Taranto, WSJ
Why Hillary Clinton Can't Escape Controversy -- Clare Foren, The Atlantic
The Hillary Clinton Email Case Will Never Be Over -- David Corn, Mother Jones
The Conservative Case for Letting Clinton Skate -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg

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