Time: What the World Thinks About the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
The world has been watching the race unfold.
The world has been watching the U.S. presidential election with a mix of fascination and horror. Many appear to believe a Hillary Clinton presidency would provide the stability needed in an increasingly volatile world, but some foreign players are rooting for a Donald Trump victory. Here, TIME’s staff in bureaus around the world round up what foreign politicians, experts and citizens are saying about the U.S. election:
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 8, 2016
US election: What does the rest of the world think? -- Al Jazeera
Trump vs Clinton: Who is better for Asia? -- Karishma Vaswani, BBC
What will the US election mean for Europe? -- Christoph Hasselbach, DW
How the Elite Misjudge the U.S. Electorate on International Engagement -- Joshua Busby, Craig Kafura, Jonathan Monten, Dina Smeltz & Jordan Tama, RCW
Races to watch: Four close congressional contests that could impact troops, vets -- Leo Shane III, Military Times
Who is going to win? The pundits weigh in -- The Hill
Could expat votes potentially tip US election? -- DW
US election 2016: Five things to watch in results -- BBC
Compare the Candidates -- Council on Foreign Relations
2016 Wasn’t a Foreign Policy Election, But It Will Have Foreign Policy Consequences -- Daniel Larison, American Conservative
Is the Islamic State finished? Five possible scenarios -- James L. Gelvin, The Conversation
Petro-Warfare: Iranian-Saudi Geopolitical, Military Rivalry Expands to Economics -- Sputnik
India’s crackdown in Kashmir: is this the world’s first mass blinding -- Mirza Waheed, The Guardian
Are US allies in Southeast Asia defecting to China? -- Richard Javad Heydarian, Al Jazeera
The Next Administration Can’t Be Complacent on Afghanistan -- Michael Goldfien, RCD
Weaker Venezuela, Wary US Will Test Nicaragua's Re-elected Leader -- VOA/Reuters
Under surveillance in Russia -- Roman Dobrokhotov, Al Jazeera
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