Fighters of the Syria Democratic Forces held a watchful position near Raqqa, Syria, May 27, 2016.
VOA: Spokesman: US-backed Syrian Forces Capable of Taking Raqqa
PENTAGON — The United States is doubling-down on its Syrian allies, insisting they are capable of planning and launching an assault to dislodge the Islamic State terror group from its self-styled capital of Raqqa.
For more than a week, officials have spoken of the urgent need to begin the assault on the IS stronghold despite concerns about the readiness of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the objections of allies, like Turkey.
But a spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve said Thursday the SDF is ready to at least start encircling the city while planning for its eventual liberation.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 4, 2016
Pentagon Walks Back Promise to Attack ISIS Capital ASAP -- Daily Beast
Iraq's army making slow progress on Mosul, but quick victory unlikely -- USA Today
Pentagon claims Baghdadi losing control of troops -- AFP
Navy Super Hornets Hit More ‘Dynamic’ Targets as Mosul Offensive Heats Up -- DoD Buzz
Despite military successes, Russia's main goal in Syria remains elusive -- Fred Weir, CSM
China Rules Out Selling its J-20 Fifth Generation Jet on Global Market -- Sputnik
Japan preparing amphibious force: it looks a lot like a Marine brigade -- Stars & Stripes
Is Israel's Biggest Military Hero a Fake? And Does It Matter? -- Tablet Magazine
The military trial that’s tearing Israel apart -- Washington Post
Venezuela's military to control medicine, surgical supply distribution -- UPI
Canadian army investigate mysterious 'pinging' sound coming from sea floor -- The Guardian
Canada Needs New Warships, But Who Will Build Them? -- Sputnik
French Air Force Evaluating Smart Bomb Requirements -- Defense News
Poland’s claim that Egypt sold Mistral warships to Russia for €1 outrages France -- RT
Construction Date Set for British Type 26 Anti-Sub Frigates -- Defense News
NATO’s ‘Northern Flank’ Vulnerable to Russia -- US News and World Report
Poland Eyes Third Missiles Squadron, Subs for Navy -- Defense News
US to send tanks, helicopters & 6,000 troops to join 1st E. Europe armored brigade deployment -- RT
U.S. to deploy THAAD anti-missile battery in South Korea in 8-10 months: commander -- Reuters
Boeing wins $479 million U.S. defense contract: Pentagon -- Reuters
Is the US Navy’s New Supercarrier Facing Additional Delays? -- The Diplomat
Still No Delivery Date for Most Expensive US Ship Ever Built -- Sputnik
McCain: Pentagon Knew of F-35 Fighter's Soaring Cost Before Announcing Delay -- Sputnik
Lockheed Letdown? Pentagon Advances on Ninth Batch of F-35s on Its Terms -- Sputnik
Lasers, hybrid power for Army's next-gen combat vehicle, experts say -- UPI
What is the Next-Gen Combat Vehicle? -- Defense News
Lightning Strike Brought Down Predator Drone: Report --
Labor Costs, Data Questions Driving ICBM Replacement Cost Estimate -- Defense News
After uproar, Army agrees to cover soldier's heart attack bills -- Army Times
Military memorial, wildlife at odds in new Battle of Midway -- AP
Report: Military wives may be more likely to binge drink -- Military Times
Overweight, tattooed, stoned? The Pentagon may still want you -- L.A. Times
Trump scoffs at idea of Clinton as "boss" of military -- CBS
Trump-Pentagon relationship likely to be complicated -- Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, CNN
Afghanistan: The War Trump and Clinton Have Ignored -- AP
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