And she lost .... though she can claim a moral victory that she got a hundred thousand more votes than Donald Trump.
But she still lost.
The reasons why .... there are many.
She was an uninspiring candidate, that could not draw the crowds unless she had President Obama with her .... or rock stars. And if there was someone who was passionate to vote for her .... it was more of an anti-Trump vote rather than a pro-Hillary Clinton vote.
Her past caught up to her .... 30 years of public service and promises of more of the same was not what many voters wanted to hear.
The rise in Obamacare premiums weeks before the election shocked a lot of people .... and her explanations that she will fix it was not believed.
Wikileaks .... a month of embarrassing leaks .... only reinforced the impression on how fixed the political system is.
The FBI. She may have been exonerated by the FBI on how she handled top secret documents and communications .... but it only reinforced the impression that there is a law for you and I, and one law for her.
Corruption. The use of the foundation as a "pay for play" scheme to make the Clinton family rich may have been ignored by the main stream media .... but talk radio and the internet played up the story .... and many were able to connect the dots on what was happening.
But the main reason why she lost is probably this one .... white voters deserted the Democrat Party and specifically her .... and they came out in force to vote for Donald Trump. There are two news posts that caught my eye on why this happened .... the first one comes from this poll in Michigan .... Poll: Mich. white working-class voters favor Trump 2-1 (Detroit News). But the more important post and analysis comes from one of the shrewdest politicians that the U.S. has ever had .... and that person is Bill Clinton who saw what was happening a year ago .... Leaked Bill Clinton Speech: Obama Years Left No Hope For White Working Class (Daily Caller).
When a segment of the population feels alienated and left out .... they will always react. And man-o-man .... white voters in rural, non-urban, and the rust-belt came out in force last night .... and they made their voices heard rebuking the Democrat and Republican establishments, the media, the globalists, and the many special interest groups that seem to always get what they want from Washington.
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