President-Elect Trump Upstages And Contradicts White House On Key Foreign Policy Issues

Washington Post: In a day of tweets, Trump suggests major change on national security issues

Before lunchtime Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump said he would expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal, upending a reduction course set by presidents of both parties over the past four decades, and called for the United States to veto a pending U.N. resolution that criticized Israel’s settlements policy.

The policy prescriptions, communicated in morning tweets, followed calls since last month’s election to reconsider the arms-length U.S. relationship with Taiwan and to let China keep an underwater U.S. vessel seized by its navy. Trump declared within hours of this week’s Berlin terrorist attack that it was part of a global Islamic State campaign to “slaughter Christians” and later said it reaffirmed the wisdom of his plans to bar Muslim immigrants.

Late Thursday, Trump suggested in another tweet that the U.S. military’s years-in-the-making plans for a new stealth fighter, Lockheed Martin’s F-35, might be reconsidered, saying he had “asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!”

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Update: One President at a time? For Trump, no qualms in contradicting Obama (CNN).

WNU Editor: President - Elect Trump is busy and engaged .... President Obama is vacationing in Hawaii ....the optics are obvious .... and the current White House is communicating their displeasure.

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