(R-L) German Pres. Joachim Gauck, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Norbert Lammert, Pres. of Germany's lower house of parliament Bundestag attend a service at Berlin's Memorial church to commemorate the 12 killed victims of a truck that ploughed into a crowded Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz, Berlin, Dec. 20, 2016.

Nile Gardiner, CNN: Angela Merkel may be the biggest loser of 2017

(CNN) She once strode across the European stage like a colossus.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel used to be the de facto leader of mainland Europe, the guardian of the continent's liberal ideals, champion of European unity and standard bearer of German economic dominance and prowess.

This week's barbaric act of terror on the streets of Berlin, however, served as a stark reminder of the limits of Merkel's power, the inherent risks of her open borders approach to the refugee crisis and the extraordinary failures of German federal authorities in the face of the rising Islamist threat.

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WNU Editor: It is her advocacy (and policies) of an open border that brought people like Berlin massacre suspect Anis Amri into Germany .... so if there is anyone who should held accountable for not properly vetting and then deporting someone like this Berlin suspect .... whose refugee application was already declined .... it has to be her.

Update: It looks like some Germans are now blaming her for this mess .... IS Claims Berlin Truck Attack, Germans Blame Chancellor (VOA).

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