Russian President Putin Calls U.S. Democrats Sore Losers

Slate: Putin Has a Message for Democrats: Don’t Be Sore Losers

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave himself a nice pat on the back on Friday, saying he was one of the few who believed Donald Trump would win the U.S. presidency. Trump has his “finger on the pulse of the mood of society,” Putin said at his annual end-of-year marathon news conference. “He went all the way, even though no one believed that he would win, apart from you and me.” When asked whether Moscow had anything to do with Trump’s election, Putin scoffed at the suggestion. Democrats “are losing on all fronts and looking elsewhere for things to blame. In my view this, how shall I say it, degrades their own dignity,” he said. “You have to know how to lose with dignity.” Putin said the accusation against his government “speaks of the current administration’s systemic problems.”

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WNU Editor: I would say the Kremlin was split on Donald Trump winning the election .... Putin on Trump: 'Nobody believed he would win except for us' (Politico). Many were hoping that Donald Trump would win .... but there was an acknowledgement among many (within Russian media and elsewhere) that because the U.S. media, the pundit class, the establishment, big money, vested interest groups, etc. .... and I would also include the Republican establishment .... that when you add all of these groups together the chances of Donald Trump winning were next to nil. I know in my case .... on Russian media and on this blog .... I warned many (starting last summer) to not discount Donald Trump. And while I believed that this was Hillary Clinton's election to lose .... I did stress that Donald Trump also had a very good chance to succeed if all of Hillary Clinton's faults and inability to convince many key voting regions that she would represent them became better known ... which in the end is what happened. As to what Russian President Putin was thinking .... I would say that he put his money (and prayers) on a Donald Trump victory .... but I do know on my last trip to Moscow in August that the Kremlin was getting ready to deal with a President Hilary Clinton in January 2017.

More News On Russian President Putin Calling U.S. Democrats Sore Losers

Putin shrugs off Trump's nuclear plans, says Democrats sore losers -- Reuters
Vladimir Putin: defeated Democrats' blame game 'not very dignified' -- The Guardian
Putin to Democratic Party: You lost, get over it -- Washington Post
Putin Says Russia Was Alone in Believing in Trump’s Election -- Bloomberg
Putin says Democrats are being sore losers: 'It is important to know how to lose gracefully' -- Business Insider

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