The 6 Most Powerful Armies of All Time


Zachary Keck, Scout Warrior: 6 Most Powerful Armies of All Time

Armies are the most important factor in assessing the relative power of a nation. But how do we judge which armies were the most powerful in their time?

n an anarchical system like international relations, military power is the ultimate form of currency. A state may have all the culture, art, philosophy, and glitter and glory in the world, but it’s all for naught if the country doesn’t have a powerful military to defend itself. Mao Zedong put it [4] bluntly when he stated: “power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Of all the types of military power, armies are arguably the most important for the simple fact that people live on land, and are likely to continue doing so in the future. As the famous political scientist John J. Mearsheimer has noted [5]: “Armies, along with their supporting air and naval forces, are the paramount form of military power in the modern world.”

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WNU Editor: I would also include the army under Alexander The Great.

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