Iran Human Rights Monitor Reports Continuation of Human Rights Violations in Iran

Iran: Public flogging of inmate prior to his execution
NCRI - Iran Human Rights Monitor has compiled a report detailing the human rights situation in the country for the month of September.

It highlighted that there has been a continuation of systematic violations of human rights and mentioned in particular executions, amputations, torture and the murder of porters.

The group reported that there were 42 executions last month – 22 of which were reported in state media. It is expected that the actual number is even higher. Several of them were carried out in public in prisons across the country. At least one woman was hanged in the Central Prison of Zanjan.

In Ardebil Prison, two men were executed on 19th September. One of the men was 23 years-old and was serving a three year sentence. However, charges against him were fabricated and his sentence was changed to execution.

Fellow prisoners, in some cases, were ordered to watch executions in attempt to torture them before their own executions are carried out.

Iran Human Rights Monitor also pointed out that 14 executions took place on 20th September – the same day that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke at the United Nations General Assembly, dismissing claims that there was a problem.

During the month of September, there were at least seven porters killed by border guards and in the city of Abadan an 18 year-old was shot dead. A young Baluchi man was also killed by a bullet in the Khash region.

In Zahedan Central Prison, a 22 year-old prisoner was put in solitary confinement where he was tortured by prison guards. He later committed suicide in order to put an end to the suffering he was subjected to.

Iran is still using cruel punishments on its people. For example, two prisoners were flogged before their execution in the central prison of Tabriz. The report also states: “A death row prisoner was summoned by the head of the section on September 3, and was taken to the prison courtyard. He was told that his death sentence was to be carried out and that he should get ready. He was then subjected to a mock execution and later returned to his cell.”

Hand and finger amputations were also carried out or sentenced to people who have been charged with robbery.

Religious and ethnic minorities continue to be supressed in Iran and it was reported that dozens of people, despite attending the university entrance examinations, were denied a place to study on these grounds. Particularly affected by this were members of the Baha’i community.

The report also highlighted the case of several political prisoners from ward 10 of Gohardasht Prison who have been partaking in a hunger strike for well over a month. To make the situation even worse, 11 of the prisoners had two and a half years added to their prison terms.

The health of the prisoners is deteriorating rapidly and many are suffering from low blood pressure, loss of balance, etc. The Iranian regime refuses to listen to the prisoners and continues to keep them in the same conditions.

Source: NCRI, October 3, 2017

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