Is Iran On A Collision Course With Israel Over Syria?

Iranian Military Chief of Staff General Mohammad Baqeri.. (photo credit:TURKISH MILITARY/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)

Jerusalem Post: The danger of Iran on a collision course with Israel over Syria

Iran’s military chief, Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, met in Damascus with his Syrian counterpart, Lt.-Gen. Ali Ayoub, and warned Israel against violating Syrian airspace.

Wednesday’s statement by the Iranian military’s chief of staff, Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, that it is “not acceptable for the Zionist regime to violate Syria any time it wants” indicates that Israel and Iran may be heading toward a collision over Tehran’s expanding influence in Syria.

The immediate background to the statement, made during a visit to Damascus to strengthen Iranian-Syrian military cooperation, was the Israeli air strike in Syria on Monday that destroyed a Syrian anti-aircraft battery in response to its firing of a missile at an Israeli plane on a reconnaissance mission in Lebanon.

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Previous Post: Iran's Top Military Chief Vows To Cooperate With Syria Against Israel (October 18, 2017)

WNU Editor: Israel is focused on what Iran is doing in Syria, and how could the Israelis stop them. But Israel should also focus on what would the Russians may do if Israeli air strikes start happening in central and north-western Syria. Russia controls this air space, and I am sure that Moscow has told Israel that there are red lines that they cannot cross.

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