Loyalty To Chinese President Xi Is Now The Most Important Criteria For Advancement In China

Image Credit: Screenshot of CCTV on Youtube

Charlotte Gao, The Diplomat: How Were China's Top Leaders Selected?

China’s state media says the candidates have to meet four criteria.

One day after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) revealed its new generation of top leaders — the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) — China’s state news agency Xinhua published a report elaborating on how the top leaders were selected from the “black box” of CCP elite politics. While it contained lengthy propaganda and numerous ambiguous descriptions, the article still implied the fundamental selection criteria for China’s top leadership: loyalty to the party and to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

According to Xinhua, Xi presided over a PSC meeting on April 24 and approved a plan on the selection mechanism for the 19th PSC members. The plan said the 19th PSC members would be selected through “recommendation and direct talk” with some restrictions on age and experience.

Xinhua disclosed that, from April to June, Xi personally had face-to-face meetings with 57 current and former party, state, and military leaders and consulted their opinions accordingly.

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WNU Editor: Personality cults never end well for those who follow the leader, and for the country as a whole. I am already hearing through the grapevine that city and provincial administartors and leaders are not happy with the obedience that they must now give to President Xi. My prediction .... on the outside everyone will be expressing their loyalty to the Party and its leader for the next few years .... on the inside and behind closed doors .... the opposite. I have lived long enought to have seen this happen more than once.

Update: Not everyone is unhappy .... it is true that the neo-Maoists are ecstatic .... China's neo-Maoists welcome Xi's new era, but say he is not the new Mao (Reuters).

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