More Russian Bombshells On Moscow's Involvement In The U.S. Election?

Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal: The Coming Russia Bombshells

A judge may order Fusion GPS to give House investigators its bank records.

The confirmation this week that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid an opposition-research firm for a “dossier” on Donald Trump is bombshell news. More bombshells are to come.

The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?

The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite extraordinary pressure. So why did the firm suddenly insist that middleman law firm Perkins Coie release Fusion from confidentiality agreements, and spill the beans on who hired it?

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WNU Editor: I think the more intriguing parts of this Russian dossier is not who paid for it, but how did the FBI and intelligence community use it . Did the FBI pay for some of it (apparently they discussed paying for it, but declined). Were special warrants issued because of? How did the U.S. intel community use it, and was this their bases for their assessment that Russia was involved in the U.S. election. Were people unmasked because of this dossier. A hundred questions .... no answers.

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