Obama believed the death penalty should be abolished in the U.S., according to a new autobiography by Richard Branson

Richard Branson, Barack Obama in the Oval Office
The death penalty MUST be abolished - what Obama secretly told billionaire Richard Branson - despite publicly saying he understood ultimate punishment

President Obama believed the death penalty should be abolished in order for America to move forward, according to a new autobiography by Virgin mogul Richard Branson.

In Finding My Virginity, which will hit bookshelves October 10, the British-born entrepreneur details his meetings with the former president and how the two chatted over their similar views on climate change, the death penalty, and drug reform. 

While the 44th commander-in-chief has publicly stated he wasn't opposed to executing criminals 'in theory,' his true feelings on the issue were disclosed during a lunch time conversation with Branson in the Oval Office in 2016.

The two had been chatting about attorney and activist Bryan Stevenson's Equal Justice Initiative, when Branson asked Obama if he would consider removing people from death row.

'"Would you consider using Presidential Decree to remove the death penalty for the sixty people under federal jurisdiction on death row?" I asked. Or at least five of the sixty that Bryan feels have particularly strong evidence for pardoning?' Branson writes. 

According to Branson, Obama said he had read up on all of the cases and agreed that the death penalty should be outlawed. 

'He said that he was more inclined to pardon all sixty than make a judgment on five. He felt that was the morally correct path, since he disagreed with the death penalty on principle,' Branson writes. 

However, in a 2015 interview, Obama had admitted he was 'disturbed' with capital punishment but 'understood' its use. 

He told CNN: 'There are certain crimes that are so beyond the pale that I understand society's need to express its outrage. So I have not traditionally been opposed to the death penalty in theory. But in practice it's deeply troubling.'

Branson and Obama also discussed their views on climate change, which the president cited as one of the biggest threats to the world, next to weapons of mass destruction.

Still, the ex-POTUS admitted he had a personal motive to get behind the movement, confessing he was planning to secure a vacation spot in Hawaii.

'He said, with a smile, that he had a personal reason to fix climate change: "I've got my eye on a plot on a beach in Hawaii and I don't want it under water."' Branson writes. 

Although rumors have swirled of the Obamas buying beachfront property on Hawaii, they have yet to do so. 

At the end of their meeting, Obama promised the billionaire he would read the documents that Branson's team and Bryan Stevenson had prepared on the death penalty.

The next time the two would meet would be at the White House Christmas Party, where Branson would invite the First Lady and Obama - who he's described as the 'one of the greatest presidents of America' - for holiday in the British Virgin Islands.

Barack and Michelle were reunited with Branson on his private Necker Island days after Trump's inauguration, marking the Obamas' first vacation since they left the White House.

But it was Michelle, Branson says, who was especially excited to leave Washington, having been able to 'reclaim' her name.

Branson recalls the first words out of Michelle's mouth as he greeted them on Moskito were: 'We're free!'

'When one of our team asked how to address the former First Lady, she gleefully shouted, "Michelle!"' Branson says.

Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography, by Richard Branson will be released on October 10, 2017.

Source: Mail Online, Karen Ruiz, October 2, 2017

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"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted." -- Oscar Wilde

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