Russia Is Not Ready For A War On The Korean Peninsula

Yuri Smityuk/TASS

Paul Goble, RCD/The Jamestown Foundation: Russian Far East Ill-Prepared for War in Korea

Instead of preparing for a military conflict on the Korean peninsula, Russian officials and the media dependent on them are urging residents of the Russian Far East to focus on attracting foreign investment and spending leisure time rather than taking the steps needed to prepare that region to assist North Korea, to accept mass refugees from that country, or even to protect themselves from possible armed attack. This charge was made recently by Vladivostok sociologist Igor Romanov, the editor of the Russian nationalist portal Bereg Rus (, October 21).

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WNU Editor: There is no Russian policy or strategy on what to do if the Korean peninsula blows-up into war. The Kremlin's focus is elsewhere ..... the war in Syria, sanctions, and next year's Presidential election.

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