Trinamix Distance Sensing Technology Explained

BASF spin-off Trinamix publishes a nice technology page with Youtube videos explaining its depth sensing principles. They call it "Focus-Induced Photoresponse (FIP):"

"FIP takes advantage of a particular phenomenon in photodetector devices: an irradiance-dependent photoresponse. The photoresponse of these devices depends not only on the amount of light incident, but also on the size of the light spot on the detector. This phenomenon allows to distinguish whether the same amount of light is focused or defocused on the sensor. We call this the “FIP effect” and use it to measure distance.

The picture illustrates how the FIP effect can be utilized for distance measurements. The photocurrent of the photodetector reaches its maximum when the light is in focus and decreases symmetrically outside the focus. A change of the distance between light source and lens results in such a change of the spot size on the sensor. By analyzing the photoresponse, the distance between light source and lens can be deduced.

Trinamix also started production of Hertzstück PbS SWIR photodetectors with PbSe ones to follow:

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