Cambridge Mechatronics Wins Company of 2017 Award, vivaMOS Wins Emerging Technology Company of the Year Award at TechWorks

The UK TechWorks names Cambridge Mechatronics the Company of the Year. The company is a world-leader and pioneer in shape memory alloys, which it uses to create single-piece motors the size of a human hair and controlled to a precision of the wavelength of light. Its technology is being designed into a huge array of products: AF and OIS for smartphones cameras and drones and devices to improve the accuracy of 3D-sensing, among many other things.

BBC’s head of technology Rory Cellan-Jones said of Cambridge Mechatronics: "The company has successfully qualified their actuators of use in one of the world’s top three smartphone brands."

The large-area X-Ray CMOS image sensors company vivaMOS wins the Emerging Company of the Year award. vivaMOS was founded in July 2015 as a technology spin-out from the CMOS image sensor group at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

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