North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attends a performance held for participants of the ruling party's party meeting, December 2016. KCNA/via Reuters
Stratfor: Preparing for What Comes Next in North Korea
* By moving carrier strike groups and stealth fighter jets into the region, the United States will enhance its force posture in and around North Korea.
* The preparations do not necessarily suggest that the United States is getting ready to launch a war — though they will elevate the risk in the region.
* Tracking U.S. military movements around the Korean Peninsula will offer insight into the standoff between Washington and Pyongyang.
North Korea is still racing to achieve a comprehensive nuclear deterrent. And the closer it gets to its goal, the less time the United States and its allies have to try to stop it. Depending on factors such as the strength of U.S. intelligence, the progress of North Korea's missiles and nuclear programs and how much risk Washington and its allies are willing to tolerate, the United States may already have missed its opportunity for preventive military action. Official assessments indicate that, at most, Washington has 18 months before the window closes; after that, the United States and its allies probably will have no choice but to adopt a policy of deterrence toward North Korea.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 1, 2017
US F-35 fighter jets arrive in Japan ahead of Trump visit -- NBC/CNN
US Military's Most Advanced Stealth Fighters Arrive in Japan amid North Korea Nuclear Tensions -- Newsweek
Trump Goes to Asia—but the Pentagon Gets There First -- The Nation
As China readies a “world-class military,” a vulnerable India must watch keenly -- Quartz
India Air Force heads to Israel to begin military air exercises -- Jerusalem Post
Lebanese army gets two A-29 light-attack aircraft from U.S. -- Reuters
We Finally Know Where Those Surplus Jordanian F-5 Tiger IIs Ended Up -- Warzone/The Drive
Iran and Azerbaijan Boosting Military Ties -- EurasiaNet
Russian Army Gets Specialized Drone-Hunters -- Motherboard
Russian Electronic Warfare Targets NATO Assets -- Signal
Royal Navy ships 'cannibalised for parts', report finds -- BBC
Containing Our Intelligence War with Russia -- National Interest
US and Coalition Troops Could Stand Between Kurds and Iraqis: General --
Iraq's second army: Who are they, what do they want? -- Farah Najjar, Al Jazeera
America’s nuclear weapons will cost $1.2 trillion over the next 30 years -- Defense News
CBO: Updating, sustaining nuclear arsenal would cost $1.2T over 30 years -- The Hill
'Degrading F-35' – Nothing to worry about despite GAO report, says Pentagon -- RT
Navy Qualifies Stealthy Carrier-Launched F-35C For Combat -- Scout Warrior
The Army’s Latest Blast-Proof Armored Vehicle Is Testing A Game-Changing Update -- Task & Purpose
The Army Desperately Wants A Pint Sized Tank With A Big Gun, Here's What We Know -- Warzone/The Drive
Navy crews at fault in fatal collisions, investigations find -- Defense News
Unauthorized drones are buzzing a Washington, D.C. military base twice a day, study finds -- CNBC
Groundbreaking to be held for Fort Meade cyberspace facility -- AP
Agents: Bergdahl debriefs were intelligence ‘gold mine -- AP
U.S. Army deserter Bergdahl described as efficient soldier -- Reuters
U.S. Army deserter Bergdahl suffers nerve damage after captivity: witness -- Reuters
Hundreds of recruits get sick at Marine boot camp -- San Diego Union Tribune
Why America Must Improve Its Missile Defense Systems -- Ian Williams. National Interest
Is Now the Time to Consider Expanding NATO? -- James Carden, The Nation
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