Robert Merritt's Final Testimony: Nixon's ET Time Capsule.
In this special update former Federal Informant and Covert Operator Robert Merritt who was a member of the Nixon Administration’s ultra secret Huston Plan reveals even more about his meeting deep beneath the White House where President Nixon revealed he was going to hide a Time Capsule Message containing UFO Disclosure and an ET Energy Formula that would Change the World!
The Kissinger Connection: UFO Crash Retrieval
New research has uncovered that Nixon's Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was in charge of a program at Kirtland AFB that was part of the Rockefeller Special Studies Project to Re-engineer UFO Crash Retrievals.
In this historic Dark Journalist Interview Series, Former Federal Informant and Nixon Insider Robert Merritt steps forward for the first time ever in public reveals his Three Meetings with President Richard Nixon in a Deep Underground Location Beneath The White House!
President Nixon revealed to Merritt a Special Message that Nixon Read to him aloud before sealing it in the White House for later generations to learn the Truth. The letter contained information that the United States had obtained and had under its protection an ET Being. Scientists at Los Alamos eventually learned to communicate with the Being and developed vast knowledge from this interaction which helped them to achieve Advanced Technology and Science.
In a late night meeting deep beneath the White House President Nixon taped a package containing the letter to Merritt's stomach and asked him to act act as a covert messenger to deliver to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. Nixon told Merritt that only he and Kissinger knew of the letter's existence and it should not fall into the hands of the FBI or the CIA.
Nixon developed a great trust with Merritt who he had assigned as an undercover operative to the Ultra Secret Huston Plan Program, a Covert Intelligence Unit run right out of the White House to perform Black Ops and Surveillance against Nixon's Political enemies.
During his long history of Clandestine work for Intelligence Agencies Merritt was developed as a Covert Agent and a Sex Operative to get compromising material for Control Files to Blackmail Senators and Congressmen. Merritt had been used by the CIA, FBI and the ATF as an Deep Undercover Informant and found himself under the spotlight during the Watergate Hearings and was later featured in the New York Times. Eventually Merritt was forced to go underground and to keep silent in order to stay alive.
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» Robert Merritt | President Nixon hid Evidence of Alien Life in White House Time Capsule! | Dark Journalist | March 20, 2018
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