How Will The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact Relationships Between The U.S., Russia, And China?

Jacob Heilbrunn, National Interest: The Coronavirus and the US-Russia-China Triangle

How might the coronavarius reshape relations between America, Russia and China? Four leading experts discuss the possible answers.

How might the coronavirus pandemic alter the triangular relationship between the United States, China, and Russia? Russia has been among China’s most vocal defenders as the United States and others have accused Beijing of unleashing the coronavirus pandemic on the world. But will closer Chinese-Russian cooperation be an inevitable outcome of COVID-19? Could the repercussions of the pandemic open doors for the United States to rebalance its relations with Moscow and Beijing?

An all-star team of American and Russian experts addressed these questions and their answers can be learned in the video below:

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WNU Editor: China and Russia are going to wait until after the U.S. Presidential election. After that is when I expect a new understanding between the three governments will be looked at.

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