White House Wants To Split NSA And US Cyber Command

NSA/CYBERCOM/Central Security Service HQ on Fort Meade, MD. AP 

An end to the “dual hat” arrangement has been debated for years — but the timing raises questions. The plan requires Milley's certification to move ahead. 

Trump administration officials at the Pentagon late this week delivered to the Joint Chiefs of Staff a proposal to split up the leadership of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command. It is the latest push to dramatically reshape defense policy advanced by a handful of key political officials who were installed in acting roles in the Pentagon after Donald Trump lost his re-election bid. 

A U.S. official confirmed on Saturday that Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley — who along with Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller must certify that the move meets certain standards laid out by Congress in 2016 — received the proposal in the last few days. 

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WNU Editor: I do not think this is going to happen. But here is a good explanation on why Cyber Command and the NSA should be split up .... Split Up NSA and CYBERCOM (Defense One). 

 More News On Reports That The White House Wants To Split NSA And US Cyber Command 

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