The U.S. Navy Possesses 'UFO Patents'

Warzone/The Drive: Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing 

The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the "Pais Effect" and may have transferred the program to another agency. 

In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world "UFO patents." These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy's aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.

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WNU Editor: Speaking of UFOs .... String of lights seen in sky near Charlotte sparks UFO debate. What was it? (Charlotte Observer).

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