Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 8, 2021

James Holmes, 19FortyFive: Guam: The Foundation of Any U.S. Military Strategy on China 

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command supremo Admiral Philip Davidson wittingly or unwittingly fortified deterrence in the Western Pacific this week. Admiral Davidson told a webinar at the American Enterprise Institute that augmenting Guam’s defenses is his top priority.

“Guam is absolutely critical in maintaining deterrence and stability in the region,” he declared. “It is our most critical operating location west of the International Dateline. Funding for the air and missile defense of Guam is my Number 1 priority—most importantly because Guam is U.S. homeland.” That last part is the key part. 

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 8, 2021 

Active Ships in the US Navy -- 

What is the Tank Good For? -- Michael J. Rasmussen and Walker D. Mills, Wavell Room

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