Was This Murder Or An Accident?

Sara Carter: Two teenage girls carjack and kill an Uber driver, CNN called it an accident 

An Uber Eats driver was killed by two young teenage girls in Washington D.C. after they carjacked his vehicle last Tuesday on March 23, in one of the most shockingly horrifying videos posted on Twitter. 

What was even more shocking was that CNN called it an accident and now people are calling out the cable network on its decision to use the term to describe the incident, which was caught on video. 

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WNU Editor: I have been reflecting on this story since yesterday. 

Should I post it? Should I not? 

A hard working 66 year-old immigrant working in a low paying job working hard to make ends meet for his family being killed/murdered in such a senseless manner by two young girls who have no remorse for the terrible crime that they did and how they have destroyed a family. . 

Normally I put these stories aside. 

But what changed for me is the media coverage of this terrible story. 

Most ignored it, and in the case of CNN, and made an effort to "excuse it". 

And sad to say. But not surprising. That horrible CNN tweet without correction is still up there (see below).

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