President Biden's Briefing Book Press Conference Was Staged


No president in the history of such press conferences, going back to Franklin D. Roosevelt, has ever responded from a briefing book, especially one where the questions were in anticipated sequence as occurred today. 

President Joe Biden’s first news conference was the high point of his administration to date; he was fluent, good-humored, well-informed, and only slightly bobbled one or two questions and not in a way that surpassed the confusion deliberately created by Dwight D. Eisenhower’s complicated syntax or Lyndon Johnson’s Texan colloquialisms. 

He was very well-rehearsed to take predictable questions on the Democrats’ soft-points and respond with articulate answers that had almost nothing to do with the real issue. Less reassuringly, he read from briefing notes at length in a manner that brazenly advertised the pre-selection of questionnaires, questions, and generally windy and evasive answers. No president in the history of such press conferences, going back to Franklin D. Roosevelt, has ever responded from a briefing book, especially one where the questions were in anticipated sequence as occurred today. 

WNU Editor: I have seen many US Presidential news conferences in my life. 
But this one was for the ages.

President Biden abandoning his sentences. 
Rambling for minutes and stopping when he realized he was rambling. 
And his answers, especially on immigration, told me he had no idea on what is happening at the border. 

And it does not stop there. 
How he short-circuited midway in his answer on the filibuster. Just gave-up mid sentence. I have never seen a US President do that. 
And not being able to discuss his policy on China and North Korea without reading from the notes that his handlers gave him. Now that is scary. 

I expected a news conference where he would get by.
But I was wrong.
President Biden is nowhere near up to the job. 
Sometimes he is there. 
Sometimes he is not.
And when I look at videos of President Biden from 5 - 6 years ago, to what he is today. His cognitive  decline is both obvious, sad, and shocking. 

And as for the press corps. 
A part of me wonders if some of them gave a heads-up to the White House on what questions were going to be asked. 
A few pushed. But the rest of them just sat there like good stenographers pushing an agenda. 
And what was that agenda? For today it was getting rid of the filibuster so that President Biden can then pass his agenda. 
And as predicted. President Biden ignored FOX News as well ending the presser after one hour. 

What happened today reminds me of the old Soviet Union press conferences. 
Everything was staged. 
I saw it many times then. I saw it again today.

And speaking of the Soviet Union. 
I grew up in the Soviet Union during a time when we had leaders who were younger than President Biden is today, but clearly showing cognitive decline. 
Check out the video below of former Soviet leader Brezhnev getting ready to make a news announcement. 
And no. He is not drunk. 
Sighhhh .... I am seeing history repeat itself.


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