Unispectral Announces IR Spectral Camera

Unispectral launches its new Monarch spectral IR camera. Monarch is said to be the first low-SWaP (size, weight & power) spectral camera on the market, suitable for immediate use or by integration in OEM platforms or application developers. 

The low-cost Monarch simplifies spectral imaging and eliminates the need for expensive, bulky, complicated and sensitive equipment, or limited spectrometers. Monarch consists of the Unispectral proprietary tunable Fabry–Pérot filter (μFPF), integrated with a miniature IR camera module, all fit into a slim 60x40x14.5mm, 30gr camera. For operation, controls and display. The camera captures and immediately outputs multiple detailed, single-band, NIR images within the 680nm-940nm wavelengths spectral range.

Ariel Raz, CEO of Unispectral said, “Today we rollout the first mass-market spectral camera. With the Monarch, Unispectral creates a brand-new market segment of spectral IR imaging for agriculture and other industries. The 30-gram camera works anywhere, in conjunction with Android Smartphones or PC.

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