My Take On Today's Massive Trucker Demonstration In Ottawa


WNU Editor: I have seen my share of protests in my life, but the one I say today was special. 

You have your usual wack jobs and fringe groups present, but 99% (if not more) were peaceful and happy to be there to make their voices heard. 

And yes .... tens of thousands of flag and home-made sign carrying truckers and their supporters showed up, even with -20C temperatures and non-stop hostile coverage from the main stream media and our country's political leaders. 

There was also a massive police presence, but they kept their distance when they saw that most of the protesters were like them. People who work hard for a living. Families. An age group that was predominantly from 30 to 60. In short. Canada's law-abiding middle class.

I am still digesting what I saw today. But what really struck me and made today's protest in Ottawa unique and different from past protests that I have seen is that the ones who showed up to demonstrate was a cross section of people who make Canada work. 

How do I know? 

Without them our society as we know it will collapse within 72 hours. Truckers. Couriers. The people who sort and deliver the mail. They have (and are) providing a critical service. And they do so with all the risks and hardships that it entails. 

That is what I liked about today's event. It reminds all of us on how important and vital those who work in shipping and delivering our goods are to keeping the system running. Especially our truck drivers. And why we should at least listen to them when they strongly believe that a government policy is wrong.

So what is next? 

Today's demonstration has rattled Canada's political and media establishment. This protest was spawned organically from Western Canada by truck drivers, with no encouragement or support from any major political party, special interest group, or the media. 

If what I am seeing on the news right now is an indication, all the pundits see this as a threat to the status quo, and a warning that if life does not improve for most Canadians, there is going to be hell to pay for Canada's major political parties in the next federal election. 

As to where was Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau today? 

Even though he is double vaccinated with a booster shot, he was in isolation somewhere because he was exposed to someone who had Covid earlier this week. Now ponder that for a moment.

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