Is An American Cold Civil War Now Happening?

WNU editor: On Friday a reader of this blog wanted my take on what a U.S. talk show host said on Friday ....  that the U.S. is now in a Cold Civil War. That question struck me, and I have been thinking about it ever since. I am person who is fascinated with American history. Particularly it's Revolution, the Civil War, the Cold War, its historical relations with Russia/Soviet Union, and U.S. political history from President Reagan onward. But what is happening now is (from my knowledge) unprecedented in American history. The vitriolic hatred of President Trump from those who oppose him and who want him removed from office, and the passion of those who defend him, this blog has covered it all since President Trump was inaugurated. But after the Mueller Report failed to provide evidence of Russian collusion coupled with his disastrous testimony, I did sense a seismic shift in Washington taking place. The news coverage and punditry became darker, and the anger among Congressional Democrats intensified. Upon reflection I wonder if it was during this time that the gloves were taken off, and the priority was to make and execute a plan to remove President Trump from office, irregardless on what it takes. The event that made me think about that was when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that an impeachment inquiry was to take place. The fact that they want this all wrapped up in two months, and articles of impeachment to be voted on before Christmas (which will passed), also told me that the fix is already in, and we are just following a plan.

So what is next? The Democrats have crossed the Rubicon, and their intent on what they want to happen next is now crystal clear. And as for President Trump .... as the above tweet indicates .... is acknowledging this and he is responding. In the next few months this crisis is going to intensify. The Democrats and their never-Trumper allies have no interest in backing down. To them President Trump is illegitimate, and they will continue to double down until he is gone even though most Americans oppose what they want, which is the forcible removal of President Trump. On the opposite side there is going to be blow-back from President Trump's supporters, and they will double down in their defense of him. By December or early 2020 President Trump will be impeached along partisan lines, and the case will go to the US Senate where it will be dismissed. No one will be satisfied, and the anger and bitterness will continue but at a level not seen in decades.

So  .... is an American "Cold" Civil War now happening? You tell me.

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