Islamic State Is Taking Advantage Of The Current Pandemic

DW: 'Islamic State' exploiting coronavirus and conflict to rise again

The terrorist militia "Islamic State" has launched a new series of attacks in Syria and Iraq. The jihadists have learned how to exploit the coronavirus outbreak – and conflicts in the region.

Northern Iraq is on fire again — thick columns of smoke have been seen rising over wheat fields. The terrorist militia known as the "Islamic State" (IS) set fire to them, to intimidate the local population, and the message is clear: This is what happens when you collaborate with state forces.

The militia's attacks have now been on the rise for several weeks. On April 28, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Iraqi intelligence headquarters in the city of Kirkuk — part of a double blow, as on the previous night IS terrorists had been attacking nearby areas.

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WNU Editor: Islamic State is a group motivated by imposing the Koran on a population. Violently and aggressively if they are opposed. As such it is an ideological based movement, and during the rise it was clear that they had the support of a lot of people. Those people are still there, and their support, while underground, is also still there. What has changed is that the focus has shifted from fighting them, to fighting the pandemic.

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