The Islamic State Is Re-establishing Itself In Africa

Newsmax: ISIS Re-Establishing Network in Africa 

The Islamic State group, essentially pushed out of Iraq and Syria by a U.S.-led coalition in March 2019, has re-established itself in Africa, conducting attacks in 13 countries, capturing territory and establishing de facto governments in portions of two of them in the past year and a half, a report by a West Point-affiliated policy institute says. 

The militant Islamists, which went by the names of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and later by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have re-established themselves largely in west and central Africa and the Sinai Peninsula, with its strongest presence in northeast Nigeria, the Combatting Terrorism Center at the U.S. Military Academy says. 

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WNU Editor: You can now add a 14th country to the list of African nations under attack by ISIS .... Tanzania hit by recent ISIS attack near Mozambique border (News24).

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