Who Believes The News Media Today?

U.S. President Donald Trump talks to journalists in the Oval Office at the White House March 24 after the American Health Care Act was pulled before a vote. (CNS photo/Carlos Barria, Reuters) 

With the MSM’s differential treatment of the obviously sketchy – and obviously Russian-sourced – Steele dossier versus the much more convincing evidence of the Hunter Biden laptop, the final stake should have been driven through the heart of the MSM. 

So any sentient being ought to recognize that the press is not fulfilling any sort of objective function in our society and in our elections. It is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. Actually, that’s been true for a long time. But it’s so crystal clear at this point that to deny it would seem like madness. And yet it happens every day. And the people who still believe in the veracity of the MSM are often intelligent in many other ways. The persistent power of propaganda is vast, and a mind is a difficult thing to change. 

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WNU Editor: I have said this before, and I will say it again. The Trump Presidency has exposed many things. How Washington really works. The corruption. The influence and power of interest groups,  government agencies, and social/corporate interests. And last .... but not least .... how the main stream media functions. More specifically. What the main stream media chooses to report on, and what they choose to ignore.

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