Canada Considering Invoking The Emergencies Act To Regulate Or Prohibit Travel "To, From Or Within" Any Specified Area Due To The Pandemic

Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau says all options are on the table when it comes to implementing stronger measures to restrict travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)  

COVID-19 testing at land borders also being considered, foreign affairs minister says 

Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau says the federal government won't rule out invoking the federal Emergencies Act to limit travel as parts of the country continue to experience high infection rates of COVID-19. 

"We are looking at all potential actions to make sure that we can achieve our aims. The Emergencies Act is something you don't consider lightly," Garneau said in a Sunday interview on Rosemary Barton Live. "But we are first and foremost concerned about the health and safety of Canadians. And if we can do that in a way that we have the regulatory power to do it, we will do it." 

The Emergencies Act would give cabinet the power to regulate or prohibit travel "to, from or within any specified area, where necessary for the protection of the health or safety of individuals." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in the province of Quebec, and we are currently under curfew from 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM. And now it looks like the federal government wants to limit our travel within Canada, and abroad. 

Update: These are the powers that the Canadian federal government will have with this emergency act .... What could happen if feds invoke the Emergencies Act to deal with COVID-19? (CTV News).

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