Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 4, 2021

The 10 Secretaries listed as the authors of the op-ed are (clockwise from top left) Mark Esper, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, William Cohen, Donald Rumsfeld, William Perry, Dick Cheney, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta and Ashton Carter. 

 * All former US Defense Secretaries signed their name on the op-ed, which was published in The Washington Post on Monday 
 * The group consists of both Democrats and Republicans; Mark Esper and James Mattis, who both worked under Trump, notably put their names to the op-ed 
 * The piece comes amid calls from some of the President's supporters to bring in the military in a last-minute bid to block Joe Biden from taking the White House 
 * Trump has been disputing the results of the election citing widespread fraud; his legal team have not been able to produce any hard evidence 
 * In recent weeks, military leaders have been conducting high-level talks about what to do should Trump invoke martial law during his remaining days in office 

All 10 living former Defense Secretaries have delivered an extraordinary warning to President Trump in an op-ed denouncing the possibility of the military becoming involved in the current election dispute. 

The piece was published in The Washington Post on Monday, following calls from some Trump supporters to invoke martial law in a bid to block Joe Biden from becoming the next Commander-in-chief. 

The 10 Defense Secretaries, who are both Republican and Democrat, did not mention Trump's name in the editorial, but clearly intended for the President to heed their message. 

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 Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 4, 2021 

The 6 big military space stories of 2020 -- Nathan Strout, C4ISRNet 

Five top challenges for Biden on defense -- Rebecca Kheel, The Hill 

It’s time to get US homeland missile defense right -- Patty-Jane Geller, Defense News 

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